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The Scientific and Technological Achievements of the National Key Research & Development Plan Pass Expert Appraisal


On July 31, 2020, the research group of the Research and Demonstration of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology for Steel Structure Components, a research topic covered by the National Key Research & Development Project, held a scientific and technological achievements appraisal conference in Jinan to carry out technical appraisal on the “Robot Welding Control System for Steel Structure Components”, a research result of foresaid research topic. The experts attend the appraisal conference came from Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Beijing University of Technology, Shandong University and University of Jinan. Yinquan Yu, a nationally renowned survey and design master who is in charge of the “Key Technology and Demonstration of Industrialized Construction Parts and Components Manufacturing” project, and Doctor Zhang Di who is in charge of the “Research and Demonstration of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology for Steel Structure Components” project attended the conference. Beijing TIME Technologies Co., Ltd. is the undertaking unit of the research task “Robot Welding Control System for Steel Structure Components”, and task leader Yunjie Bao and the members of the research team reported the technical results to the expert panel. The appraisal expert panel listened to the report, watched the live demonstration, reviewed the technical data, and formed expert opinions after discussion. The expert panel agreed that the robot welding control system for steel structural components is at the leading level in China, with welding seam positioning and arc tracking accuracy reach the international advanced level. The experts unanimously agreed that the scientific and technological achievements passed the appraisal.

Equipment demonstration


Experts team
Members of research group and conference staff



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